Saturday, November 21, 2015


From Stressed to Blessed

I’m stressed…not because I have to wear a vest to walk down my block.  Not because the cops tell me to stop because I fit the description of a nigga they’re chasin’.  Not because I live in a nation where segregation was a tool for regulation of a population.

I’m stressed…not because my seed was taken from me by this angelic chick that was really a female dog in disguise.  Not because I tried so hard to find a job but no one seemed to be hirin’.  Not because enquirin’ eyes stare at me as if times haven’t changed.  I’m like a slave with hidden chains.

I’m stressed…not because love is a word used so loosely in today’s society.  Love is a verb but people use this four-letter word like a noun; a person place or “thing”.  Not because my bling doesn’t shine as bright as a man who did time.  I went to college to gain knowledge while he’s on the block makin’ profits.  I’m not hatin’, I’m just sayin’.

I’m stressed…not because the president of my country is so concerned with overseas that he can’t see that his own country is in need.  Not because greed is a necessity to succeed in today’s world.  Not because girls are growin’ up to fast, givin’ up that behind before they are ready.  Babies havin’ babies makin’ ladies grandmothers before they reach their thirties.

I’m stressed…not because the best things in life are said to be free but the only thing free I’ve seen in my life was cheese.  Not because sellin’ trees is illegal; this law coming from a country that used to sell people.  Not because a lethal injection can be given to a man who killed more people than I can count on one hand.  For all his pain causin’ sins he is given a peaceful syringe…” call out the firing squad”!!!

I’m  stressed…not because Dr. King had a dream that nearly came true; yes I can use the front door but it’s obvious…we’re not equal.  Not because some people are confused to the rules of fair play.  While one man is ready to throw his hands the other grabs his AK.  Not because today lying’ in a bed and sexin’ without a condom is equally as deadly as a child with a shotgun.

I’m stressed…not because I passed all my tests in college except one and that one held me back from my graduation.  Not because the sun is getting’ hotter and hotter but it doesn’t bother some people that the ozone layer has been eaten through.  Not because my nephews and nieces will inherit a world where diseases will grow faster than they do.

I’m stressed; but why am I stressed?  Cause life itself is a mess, though it’s a blessing from God.  It seems Satan throws obstacles in the way to make it hard.  Every grey cloud has a silver lining; the key to survivin’ is findin’ that linin’.  God never gives you more than you can handle, so whenever you feel stressed just do what I do…pray.  Just like an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a prayer from your heart sends God’s blessings your way.  It may happen today, tomorrow, next week, in a year but fear not cause when needed, He’ll be there.

I’m blessed with air in my lungs so I can breathe.  I’m blessed with a good job without pullin’ tricks from my sleeve.  I’m blessed with a sense of empathy, which gives me the decency to help a fellow human being.

I’m blessed with a college education earned athletically; parents who are proud of me and the ability to make them be.

I’m blessed the gift of writin’ like this.  Keepin’ minds in the midst cause they’re boggled by my script.

I’m blessed with a rep on my block.  Not for shootin’ niggas or getting’ shot; my family is blessed with positive props.  Speakin’ of my family, I’m blessed with one that’s there for me.  Especially and effortlessly in my greatest times of need.


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