Thursday, June 30, 2016


The wrong decision can destroy you and your love ones.

When you make a decision, you should identify all
possible alternatives.  God’s word can be your counselor,
(Psalm 119:24).  When you make a decision, turn to the
Lord for wisdom and discernment.  Pray about your
decision and seek the counsel of others.  You can learn a
lot from older and more experienced people.  Without
counsel, your decision can go awry, (Proverbs 15:22). 
You can get counseling from your parents, teachers, pastors
or even someone who is your mentor.  In making your
decision you need to ask, “What would be the consequences
of my decision and can I live with that?”  You can also ask
the question, “How will this decision impact the people in my
life?”  When you make your decision your heart should not
condemn your decision, (1 John 3:21).  God’s peace in your
heart will let you know that you have made the right decision,
(Philippians 4:7).  Before you make your decision, pray.  Think
about the outcome of your choice.  Think about the ramifications
of your decision.  Be ready to take the responsibility for the
consequences of your decision.  Keep God first in your decision.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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