Thursday, May 28, 2020




The times have never hurt anyone.  Those who are hurt are human
beings; those by whom they are hurt are also human beings.
So, change human beings and the times will be changed.
St. Augustine

You’ve been hurt before.  You may still bear the burdens of childhood hurts, memories that don’t ever seem to wash away.  You may have experienced more recent hurtful relationships, sometimes caused by your own actions and sometimes caused by the actions of others.

It may sound like an excuse to say that “we’re only human!”  After all, human beings make mistakes and are sometime thoughtless and unable to even see the hurt they cause.  We all give ourselves an out.

As women of worth though, we want to have an objective that doesn’t give us simple excuses.  We want to do our best to act in ways that spare others from the hurts of life, at least as much as that is possible through us.  God knows we are fragile creatures and that we are easily hurt.  He seeks to protect our hearts and minds and He hopes that we will always do the same for those around us.

Let go of past hurts and be champions of kindness today.

Do what is right and good in the sight of the LORD.

Lord, forgive me when I offend or hurt those near me in any
way and help me to seek to be truly kind to others today.

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