Thursday, March 6, 2014



 Isaiah 30:1-5, 18-19

[God] will be very gracious to
you at the sound of your cry;
when He hears it, He will answer
you. –Isaiah 30:19

One of the early games that many parents play with their children involves a fake scare.  Dad hides his face behind his hands and suddenly reveals himself while saying, “Boo!”  The child giggles at this silliness.

Being frightened is a fun game until the day when the child experiences a real scare.  Then it’s no laughing matter.  The first real scare often involves separation from a parent.  The child wanders away innocently, moving from one attraction to another.  But as soon as she realizes she is lost, she panics and lets out a loud cry of alarm.  The parent immediately comes running to reassure the child that she is not alone.

As we get older, our fake scares become sophisticated-scary book, movies, amusement park rides.  Being scared is so invigorating that we may begin taking bigger risks for bigger thrills.

But when a real scare comes, we may realize that we, like the ancient Israelites (Isaiah 30), have wandered from the One who loves and cares for us.  Recognizing that we are in danger, we panic.  Our call for help does not require sophisticated words or a well-reasoned defense, just a desperate cry.

Like a loving parent, God responds quickly for He longs to have us live in the protection of His love where we need never be afraid.  – Julie Ackeman Link

I never walk alone, Christ walks beside me;
He is the dearest Friend I’ve ever known;
With such a Friend to comfort and to guide me,
I never, no, I never walk alone. –Ackley

Trusting God’s faithfulness helps dispel
our fearfulness.

In Isaiah’s prophecy in today’s text, we see the great heart of patience our God has toward us even in our worst moments (see 2 Peter 3:15).  In verse 18, Isaiah says that the Lord waits “that He may be gracious” to those who fail.  His exalted position is one from which He exercises mercy on our behalf.  Isaiah issues the challenge that we also are to wait upon Him, for He alone can bring justice into our broken world.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator’s Love Always

Unity & Peace

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