Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today's promise: God protects His people

Have you ever been rescued because God gave you foresight?

The wise look ahead to see what is coming, but fools deceive themselves.
Proverbs 14:8 NLT

Victorious foresight
Wouldn't it be great to see into the future? To have the ability to bypass future mistakes? In a way, Christians have this ability. God has given us a precious gift — the gift of sight.

This "sight" is not like the false sight of fortune-tellers or magicians. It is the spiritual ability to see who is in the future, instead of merely what is in the future. So, we no longer blindly grope around in this life as those who are lost. Christ is our future and our hope.

Just as a successful marathon runner knows the location of the finish line before setting goals for the race, we identify Christ as our finish line. This great knowledge allows us to set daily goals for wise living. In the end each day of our lives may be lived victoriously if we remember our final outcome. The Christian's race is already won through Christ's victory on the cross. And when we cross the finish line of life, we will be in Christ's presence.

WISE WAYS  The next time you feel fear or persecution regarding your faith, remember that Christ has already won the victory!

Lord, help me to look ahead to you so that I may live victoriously.

adapted from The One Year® Book of Proverbs by Neil S. Wilson, Tyndale House Publishers (2002), entry for March 4

One of life's most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn't do our homework, that we are not prepared.
Make preparations in advance. You never have trouble if you are prepared for it.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

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