Sunday, June 7, 2020




God’s retirement plan is out of this world.

We tend to give thoughts of heaven a passing nod, knowing we may well have to deal with it sometimes, but probably not today.  We may go for a long time before we think of it again, only to be reminded when someone dear to us passes on or we read of tragedies elsewhere on the planet.

We may pray that we’ll have an eternal life and even imagine that it will be so, but we may not live each day as though we truly have the hope of heaven in our future.

As we become stronger women of faith, women who understand the work God is trying to get done on earth and the part we might play in that work, the more we might reflect on our future hope and the fact of our own mortality.

One reason to reflect on your heavenly home is to remember that no matter what is going on for you here on earth, this isn’t all there is.  This isn’t the end of your existence, and perhaps it’s just the beginning.  You’re God’s heavenly daughter as well as His earthly daughter and you always have a place to call home.  The fact is that you arrived on earth with a round trip ticket.

Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”
John 14:2 NKJV

Lord, thank You for giving me reminders of heaven,
especially on those days when I’m a little too tied to the earth.

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