Monday, June 8, 2020




The world brings only change, it is never constant but in its
disappointments.  The world is but a great inn, where we are
to stay a night or two, and be gone, what madness is it to set
our heart upon our inn, as to forget our home?
Thomas Watson

Whether you imagine yourself creating the starring role in your own drama, or you see your visit to earth as a short stay at an enormous inn, the fact is that the experience is fleeting and like any ride at an amusement part, is over before you know it.

You may still remember when you thought you’d live forever, or when you thought you’d never get to be 18 or 21 or whatever magical age you hoped would tell the world you had arrived.

Somehow as you’ve gotten older, the whole cycle of things seems to be spinning faster and faster.  You feel like each day melts into the one coming in and months go by without you even taking notice.

However brief your stay at this inn called Earth, it is always with the knowledge that it only gets better from here.  The Great Innkeeper of heaven already has the light on for you and awaits you with warm hugs and joy.  Even so, He wants you to enjoy your visit because He provided the inn of Earth with great joy.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 NLT

Lord, create an awareness of heaven in me so that
I might live in joy all the days of my life.

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