Friday, June 5, 2020




Human beings must be known to be loved;
but divine beings must be loved to be known.
Blaise Pascal

Becoming the real authentic you is about really knowing yourself.  It means that you know where your boundaries are and what “pushes your buttons” when you feel a bit angry.  You no what kind of music you like and what makes an evening feel like fun.  You know your fears and your hopes and your dreams.  You know your short-comings and the things you secretly hope no one will ever know about you.

As in other relationships, you can love and appreciate yourself more when you know yourself well.  In the case of knowing and loving God, it’s a bit different.  God seeks to help you know Him.  He reveals Himself to you over time so that you can grasp more of His divine nature as you mature.  You have worked to know more about Him because you already love Him.

God knows everything about you, even those secrets you might like to hide.  He knows you and He loves you.  Keep letting Him into your life, into every area of your being, and you will come to know Him as a true and loving friend.

Everyone who lives has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7 NIV  

Lord, help me to invite You further into my life so that I might 
know more of You and build my relationship with You.


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