Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Good morning everyone.
Here is today's Bible lesson:

Acts 20:22-32

Obey those who rule over you,
and be submissive, for they
watch out for your souls, as
those who must give account.
-Hebrews 13:17

As my kids were discarding their trash at the local mall food court, my oldest son was almost run into by a man who was clearly on a mission.  My younger son jokingly remarked, "Maybe he stole something."  Thinking I might be able to use this as a teachable moment, I said, "That's what the Bible calls judging."  He then asked with a smile:  "Why are you always ''pastoring' me?"  After I finished laughing.  I told my sons that I could never take a vacation from shepherding them.

The apostle Paul told the Ephesian elders that they too could never take a vacation from shepherding God's people (Acts 20).  He was convinced that false teachers would try to ravage the church (v.29), and the elders needed to protect the group from them.  Caring for God's people includes feeding them spiritually, leading them gently, and warning them firmly.  Leaders in the church are to be motivated by the incalculable price Christ paid on the cross (v.28).

Church leaders have a big responsibility to watch over our souls, for one day they will give an account to the Lord for their work among us.  Let's bring them joy now by responding to their faithful, godly leadership with obedience and submission (Hebrews 13:17). -Marvin Williams

We join our hearts and hands together
Faithful to the Lord's command:
We hold each other to God's standards-
All that truth and love demand. -D. De Haan
After we hear the Word of God,
we should then take up the work of God.

Ministries should not be based on a favorite topic of a Bible teacher but upon "the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:26-27).  This means providing the big picture of scriptural themes when looking at a particular passage.  Paul accomplished this by communicating a breadth of scriptural knowledge to the churches in his charge.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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