Sunday, December 25, 2011


Good morning everyone.  Have a MERRY BLESSED CHRISTMAS today.
Here is today's Bible lesson:
Luke 2:8-20
Glory to God in the
highest!  -Luke 2:14
During our church's Christmas celebration, I watched the choir members assemble in front of the congregation while the music director rifled through papers on a slim black stand.  The instruments began, and the singers launched into a well-known song that started with these words:  "Come, now is the time to worship."
Although I expected to hear a time-honored Christmas carol, I smiled at the appropriate choice of music.  Earlier that week I had been reading Luke's account of Jesus' birth, and I noticed that the first Christmas lacked our modern-day parties, gifts, and feasting but it did include worship.
After the angel announced Jesus' birth to some wide-eyed shepherds, a chorus of angels began "praising God and saying: 'Glory to God in the highest!'" (Luke 2:13-14).  The shepherds responded by running to Bethlehem where they found the newborn King lying in a barnyard bassinet.  They returned to their fields "glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen" (v.20).  Coming face to face with the Son inspired the shepherds to worship the Father.
Today, consider your response to Jesus' arrival on earth.  Is there room for worship in your heart on this day that celebrates His birth? -Jennifer Benson Schuldt
Grant us, Father, hearts of worship
At this time of Jesus' birth;
We would see anew His glory
Shine throughout this sin-cursed earth. -D. De Haan
Heaven's choir came down to sing
when heaven's King came down to save.
At creation, "morning stars and all the sons of God [angels] sang together, and shouted for joy" (Job 38:7).  At the incarnation, angels-"a multitude of the heavenly host"-sang and praised God (Luke 2:13-14). At the repentance of a sinner, the "angels of God" rejoice (15:10.
Have a blessed day today.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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