Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Jesus always spent private time to meditate speaking to God for strength.  He always had that relationship with His Father.  Muhammad did his meditation and one day was approached by the angel Gabriel and from that time on through the help of others knew he was the prophet, messenger of God/Allah.  Jesus always knew what His purpose was when He took on human form.  He was to be a servant as we too are to be servants of God when we accept Jesus in our lives.  Jesus was humble and we are to be humble.  Jesus was low key in the things He did.  He did it for mankind not for Himself.  He never wanted to be in the lime light.  Muhammad liked the attention he was getting and he used it for his advantage and advancement. 

When Muhammad died the people were afraid because God had only spoken to them through Muhammad and since he was dead they felt that God/Allah would leave them too.  Jesus on the other hand died and rose again but He left us with a comforter, the Holy Spirit.  We were therefore not afraid and not left alone for God never leaves us alone.

Jesus’ authority was questioned when He overturned the tables in the temple courts, using God’s house as a market (John 2:16).  The Jewish leaders started to look at Him from then on.  Muhammad was also looked upon because he cursed their gods, insulted their religion, mocked their way of life and accused their forefathers of error, [Mark A. Gabriel PhD – Jesus and Muhammad:  Profound Difference and Surprising Similarities].  Jesus was looking toward the future for spiritual things.  Muhammad was looking for the desires of the world, physical things.

Look at the promise and hope of Paradise (Gardens) for the Muslims which consisted of six important items:  (1) Virgins (houris), (2) Young Boys, (3) Water, (4) Wine, (5) Fruits and (6) Worldly Possessions.  It’s weird how these six things are not allowed here at present on earth but yet allowed in Paradise.  Is this a contradiction?  All their desires are physical.  When Christians speak of heaven our mind is on God and Him only.  It has nothing to do with physical desires.  Sometimes people think there is a common ground here but it is nothing common about the Christian’s heaven and the Islamic’s heaven (Paradise).

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