Friday, June 15, 2012



Luke 15:4-10

Rejoice with me, for I have
found the [coin] which I lost!
-Luke 15:9

Recently, I couldn't find my credit card.  I began frantically looking for it because losing a credit card is no small thing.  Automatic payments and daily purchases would all be disrupted until it could be replaced.  Not to mention the possibility of someone finding it and charging items to our account.  What a relief it was when my wife found it on the floor under the computer table.

In Luke 15:8-10, Christ told the story of something that was lost-a valuable coin, which was equivalent to a day's wages.  The woman who lost the coin was so concerned about locating it that she lit a lamp, swept the house, and carefully searched until she found it.  Then she told her friends "Rejoice with me, for I have found the [coin] which I lost!" (v.9).  Then Jesus gave the point of the story:  "Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents" (v.10).

People are of great value to God.  Those who don't know Him are lost in their sins.  Christ paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross for their redemption.  Do you know people who are lost?  Ask the Lord to give you an opportunity to share the good news with them so they can repent of their sins and be found by our gracious God. - Dennis Fisher

The Lord has come to seek and save
A world that is lost in sin;
And everyone who comes to Him
Will be restored and changed within. -Sper
To be found, you must first admit that you're lost.

Many Bible scholars consider today's reading a significant biblical source on the doctrine of angels.  Although these supernatural agents are not all-knowing, they seem to be aware of lost sinners becoming saved through faith in Christ and rejoice over every conversion (v.10).  From time to time, angels intervene in human affairs, particularly to aid God's children (Acts 12:5-10).  Likewise, we are told that they are highly interested in God's redemptive activities for the human race (1 Peter 1:12).  Someday, glorified believers will rule over angels (1 Corinthians 6:3).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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