Monday, June 25, 2012



John 6:42-51

No one can come to Me unless
the Father who sent Me draws
him.  -John 6:44

James was diagnosed with heart problems, and his wife, Becky, was no longer able to care for him or herself very well.  They started looking for an assisted living home.  One of Becky's first questions as she visited each one was, "Do you puree your food?"  She was concerned that James have the kind of food he needed for his swallowing difficulty.  Several places answered "no", so she kept searching.  Finally she heard "yes" at a Christian assisted living home.

Even though they weren't believers in Jesus and had often argued with a Christian neighbor about Him, James and Becky chose the Christian home because of the pureed food.  They began attending chapel services, heard the gospel, and felt well cared for by the workers there.  One day James surrendered his life to Christ.  He believes that God was pursuing him (John 6:44), and He used pureed food to bring them to the Christian home where he received the care of God's people and heard of Christ's forgiveness.

Conversion is a work of God; in love He draws people to Himself.  He uses circumstances, His Word, people, and even pureed food to pursue hearts.  Be encouraged in your witness for Him.  He will use your words and deeds in His pursuit of those who need Christ. -Anne Cetas

It is not always words galore
Nor brilliancy of speech
That opens wide the gospel door
Within the sinner's reach. -Rotz
Love is the magnet that draws believers together
and attracts unbelievers to Christ.

Having fed the 5,000 with five loaves and two small fish (John 6:1-14), Jesus proclaimed that He was "the bread of life" (v.35) "come down from heaven" (v.42).  The unbelieving Jews rejected His deity because they knew Jesus only as the son of Joseph and Mary (vv.41-42).  Early in His public ministry, unbelieving Jews rejected Jesus' claim to be the Messiah (Luke 4:21-22) and His teaching for the same reason - He was just "the carpenter's son" (Matthew 13:54-57).

Have a blessed evening.
God Our Creator's Love Always.
Unity & Peace

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