Friday, November 9, 2012



Music enriches man’s religions life.
The music of the church should involve everyone-not just a few elitist musicians. 
Worship and praise are predominant themes throughout the Scriptures.
The gifts of voice and communication are two of God’s choicest blessings to mankind.
The voice lifted in praise is one of the most sublime ways mankind honors the Almighty.


Singing Honors God – The knowledge when the voice is lifted in praise, God is glorified.  “He who offers praise honors Me” (Psalm 50:23).  Scripture gives amazing prominence to “praise, singing, and music.”
Singing Instructs Us – We have learned profound spiritual truths through the songs we have learned to sing.
Singing Encourages Us – Many believers, like King Saul, have experienced the healing, encouraging power of sacred songs.
When people hear a triumphant anthem of praise, a majestic hymn of worship, or a simple gospel song that reminds them of God’s presence and guidance, the struggling persons’ burdens are lifted, their minds become clear, their fragile emotions are mended, and their hearts are singing once again as they return to their busy life.
At special times, a specific song will be used of God to minister to a particular spiritual need.  I learned through the message of song that God’s presence is real and encouraging.
Singing Prepares Us – Singing prepares us for heaven.  The Bible teaches that we will enjoy giving praise and singing throughout eternity.
“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.” –Revelation 4:11
May we know the joy of glorifying God as we join our voices in praise to the One who died that we might live to sing eternally.
Singing Requires Our Stewardship – Music has much potential for evil as if has for good.  People are easily enthralled by sensuous music.  The result is that, rather than being a blessing to mankind, music becomes a curse.
Singing God’s praises is an evidence of a believer’s true spiritual joy.
The voice is truly a remarkable gift from God.  It brings pleasure into our own lives, and it allows us to offer praise to our creator.  Man can enhance his verbal and spiritual expressions with musical sounds of pitch, duration, and harmonies-HE CAN SING!  Singing then, is a unique expression of the image of God in us.
Music has unusual powers to influence the minds and emotions of man-for both good and evil.  Each believer must, therefore, use this gift wisely.  The music we listen to must always be consistent with the character of Christ, whose Name we bear.  The songs we sing in church must always present our God and His gospel with accuracy, clarity and integrity.

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