Saturday, October 27, 2012


Saturday, October 27, 2012
2:00 pm
Hosted by
New York School of the Bible

William Thompson – Cessationist View
The gifts of God has ceased.
The speaking of tongues have continued (?).  Are they in accord with the Bible?
The Apostle Paul in Corinth had the speaking of tongue.  This happened early in church history.  By the end of Paul’s ministry this has ceased.

If Paul could heal people why didn’t he heal himself.  The purpose of healing was a sign.  During the Apostlelistic era certain gifts decreased. 

You had mystics that did certain things but their doctrinal integrity was questioned.

Paul speaking in tongues were for a sign for the Jewish people. They were told they had fallen out of favor with God.  They were told the Gentiles will be spreading the message and the gift of tongues would no longer be needed.

The Romans were speaking in tongues but their doctrine wasn’t proven in the Bible.
The modern tongue movement was late in the 19th and early 20th century.
People claim to speak in tongues but they were weak in doctrine.
The gift of tongues has ceased in between this time.

It is said that the Assembly of God in Christ’s doctrine states that you are born again and you have to seek the Holy Spirit after that.
1 Corinthians 1:15 – We are all baptized in one body.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit is proven by speaking in tongue is not a biblical fact. 

It is also said that they taught a believer can lose his salvation.  This teaching is also not biblical because we are saved by God’s grace.

It is said that they claim there is physical healing but the person will soon die after.  Paul healed others as a sign but the people also died afterward.

Speaking in tongue was not a guarantee of purity.

Why do people speak in tongues today?
Jesus told Thomas a new era was coming.  People will believe on testimonies not signs.  We are perfect and complete by the teaching of the Bible.  The Bible is sufficient.  We are promised in the Bible.  The Bible said that by believing in Him we have eternal life.

Daniel Mann – Cautious View
Daniel don’t see the evidence that the supernatural gifts have ceased.
The church has rejected discernment of the gifts but we have to look at them.
Our minds have a place in the spiritual gifts, testing of the signs.
We are to stop using our minds because this impedes the spirit.
Jesus said, “My testimony is not evident if He testifies against Himself”. 
Jesus said we need to seek more than one testimony.
We are to love God and hold fast to what He has already revealed.  We don’t want to fail the test.  We are not to believe something because it comes to past.  If it is not biblical it’s false.  The prophets in the Bible days had to be right all the time.

Daniel also states that some churches speak in God’s Name.
Speaking wrongly about God is wrong.
In Jeremiah 23:9-32 you have Lying Prophet and in verses 33-40 you have False Oracles and False Prophets.  These prophets didn’t come from God.

Prosperity and Name It Claim It Preachers speak wrongly about God.  It is said these preachers say we have the same power as God, we can speak and it comes to pass.  This is not true.  Only God can speak and things come to pass.

God wants us to have truth in our most being.  God owes us nothing.  We are unworthy servants. 

The Bible never gives us permission to be fast and loose.  We are to say, “If it is the Lord’s will”.  Boasting is evil.  Truth is God’s truth.

It is said that some churches believe, if you don’t have the manifestation of the spirit you are not spiritually alive.
These people believe the church is messy but the Apostle Paul believe the church is in order and peaceful.

People place too much interest on signs.  Miracles can sometimes be counter productive.

We are to believe in God for all things because He gives us what we need.
God works differently at different times.  We cannot handle all of God’s blessings at once.
The Holy Spirit compensate in our failure to pray correctly.

Lawrence Taylor – Continuationist View
Certain teachings just don’t hold up to Scripture.  WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY?
You have to read the Bible and let the Holy Spirit enlighten you.

Gifts – Charisma -  found 17 times in the New Testament and 16 times was used by the Apostle Paul.  This word is found in the gospel of Luke.

Jesus never says He’s healing to authenticate His message.  Jesus heals because He wants to heal.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The Cessationist’s view don’t have Scripture to support him.  Saying it states in church history that the gifts are no longer is not proven by Scripture.

Verses 8-13  is talking about the duration of love.  Love will endure.
Verse 12  says that spiritual gifts did not bring about perfection.  We will be perfect when Jesus returns.

Romans 12 talks about the body as an anology.  Cessationists believes an amputation has to take place.

Who determines what spiritual gifts have ceased?
The Cessationists has determined that.  The ones that are no longer in operation according to them are the ones they don’t like.  Continuationists believe what the Scripture says.

1 Corinthians 12 – Prophets [Spiritual Gifts]
1 Corinthians 14 – Gifts of Prophecy and Tongues

What I’ve gotten through this Spiritual Gifts Symposium is that the Word of God is true and I believe in the Scriptures.  The Spiritual Gifts will cease when perfection/Christ comes found in verse 10 of 1 Corinthian 13:8-10
8 – Love never fails.  But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.  9 – For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 – but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

Speaking of tongues and prophecies 1 Corinthians 14:2-4 helped me to see when you speak in tongues and there is no interpretation then it’s between you and God it’s not for man but prophecy deals with speaking to men for strength, encouragement and comfort.
2 – Fore anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God.  Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with is spirit.
3 – But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.
4 – He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.

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