Saturday, April 28, 2012


Promesa de hoy: Dios se deleita en quienes homenajearlo

Conoce de antemano

Dios sabía de antemano su pueblo, y escogió a ser como su hijo.
Romanos 8:29 NLT
El monje reformado
Girolamo Savonarola nació en 1452 en Ferrara, Italia. Era un muchacho sensible y grave que estaba enamorado con el estudio de la religión. Comenzó la capacitación como un médico, pero su idealismo le obligó a abandonar y unirse a un dominico para luchar contra los males del mundo.

Savonarola fue profundamente consternada por la corrupción dentro de la Iglesia Católica y lo que vio como una falta de piedad entre sus líderes. Pasó su tiempo de oración, ayuno y enseñando al novicio monjes. Se hizo famoso como un predicador. Predicó sobre el juicio pendiente de Dios, la necesidad de arrepentimiento, contra la sofisticación del clero, los males de la clase dirigente y la corrupción general de vida secular.

Savonarola utilizó su poder y popularidad para lograr la reforma de la Iglesia y el Estado. Es considerado un reformador principio dentro de la Iglesia Católica. Bajo su liderazgo, Florencia sufrió una transformación sorprendente: empresarios restaurado ganancias excesivas, hubo mucha Biblia listo y las iglesias estaban abarrotadas. Al mismo tiempo, Savonarola hizo muchos enemigos.

Con el paso del tiempo, apoyo de la comunidad de opinión estricta de Savonarola comenzó a decaer. En el 13 de mayo de 1497, Alejandro VI excomulgado Savonarola desde la iglesia aduciendo que él había desobedecido comandos del Papa. Fue arrestado en abril de 1498, juzgado por sedición y herejía y fue brutalmente torturado. El 23 de mayo de 1498, fue ahorcado públicamente y su cuerpo quemado.

En los años posteriores, la mayoría de los ciudadanos de Florencia volvió a sus andadas, pero muchos cambiado permanentemente. Uno de esos fue un escultor llamado Miguel Ángel.

Adaptado de El libro de ® de un año de la historia de Christian por Michael e. y Sharon Rusten (Tyndale, 2003), entrada para 13 de mayo.

Contenido se deriva de la Santa Biblia, nueva traducción viven y otras publicaciones de Editorial Tyndale


Today's promise: God delights in those who honor him

Known in advance

God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son.
Romans 8:29 NLT

The Reforming Monk

Girolamo Savonarola was born in 1452 in Ferrara, Italy. He was a sensitive and serious boy who was enamored with the study of religion. He started training as a physician, but his idealism caused him to drop out and join a Dominican order to fight the evils of the world.

Savonarola was deeply distressed by the corruption within the Catholic Church and what he saw as a lack of piety among its leaders. He spent his time praying, fasting, and teaching the novice monks. He became famous as a preacher. He preached about God's pending judgment, the need for repentance, against the worldliness of the clergy, the evils of the ruling class, and the general corruption of secular living.

Savonarola used his power and popularity to bring about reform of church and state. He is considered an early reformer within the Catholic Church. Under his leadership Florence underwent a startling transformation: businessmen restored ill-gotten gains, there was much Bible ready, and the churches were crowded. At the same time, Savonarola made many enemies.

With the passage of time, community support for Savonarola's strict views started to wane. On May 13, 1497, Alexander VI excommunicated Savonarola from the church on the grounds that he had disobeyed the pope's commands. He was arrested in April 1498, tried for sedition and heresy and was brutally tortured. On May 23, 1498, he was publicly hanged and his body burned.

In the succeeding years the majority of citizens of Florence went back to their old ways, yet many permanently changed. One of those was a sculptor named Michelangelo.

Adapted from The One Year® Book of Christian History by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten (Tyndale, 2003), entry for May 13.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House



Esther 7:1-10

No reembolsar ningún uno mal de
mal. -Romanos 12:17

George Washington Carver (1864-1943) se sobrepuso a terrible prejuicio racial para establecerse como un famoso educador estadounidense. Rechazaran la tentación de ceder a la amargura por la forma en que fue tratado, Carver sabiamente escribió, "odio dentro eventualmente destruirá el hater."

En el libro de Esther, vemos cómo autodestructivo odio puede ser. Mordecai, un judío, se negó a inclinarse hacia abajo antes de Amán, un presumido dignatario en la corte persa. Esto encolerizó a Amán, quien manipuló la información para hacer Mordecai y su pueblo aparecen como amenazas al Imperio (3:8-9). Cuando completa sus intrigas, llamado Amán al rey persa a matar a todos los judíos. El rey proclamó un edicto a tal efecto, pero antes de pudiera llevarse a cabo, Esther intervino y Amán del artero complot fue revelado (7:1-6). Enfurecido, el rey había Haman ejecutado en la horca el schemer construyó para Mardoqueo (7:7-10).

Palabras de Carver y acciones de Amán nos recuerdan que el odio es autodestructivo. La respuesta bíblica es odio la vuelta y vuelta buena para estadounidense Paul "Paguéis a nadie mal por mal," dijo (Romanos 12:17). Cuando el ofendido, "no vengar ustedes" (v.19). En su lugar, hacer lo que es correcto (v.17) que pueden vivir "pacíficamente con todos los hombres" (v.18).-Dennis Fisher

Albergar odio en el corazón
No conducirá al éxito;
Pero siguiente verdad y amor y gracia
Conducirá a la santidad.-Hess
Odio promueve la autodestrucción;
amor cumple instrucciones de Cristo.

Tener un día bendito.
Siempre el amor de Dios nuestro creador
La unidad y la paz



Esther 7:1-10

Repay no one evil for
evil.  -Romans 12:17

George Washington Carver (1864-1943) overcame terrible racial prejudice to establish himself as a renowned American educator.  Spurning the temptation to give in to bitterness for the way he was treated, Carver wisely wrote, "Hate within will eventually destroy the hater."

In the book of Esther, we see how self-destructive hatred can be.  Mordecai, a Jew, refused to bow down before Haman-a self-important dignitary in the Persian court.  This angered Haman, who manipulated information to make Mordecai and his people appear as threats to the empire (3:8-9).  When his scheming was complete, Haman called on the Persian king to kill all the Jews.  The king proclaimed an edict to that effect, but before it could be carried out, Esther intervened and Haman's devious plot was revealed (7:1-6).  Enraged, the king had Haman executed on gallows the schemer had built for Mordecai (7:7-10).

Carver's words and Haman's actions remind us that hatred is self-destructive.  The biblical response is to turn hatred around and return good for vil.  "Repay no one evil for evil," Paul said (Romans 12:17).  When offended, "do not avenge yourselves" (v.19).  Instead, do what is right (v.17) that you may live "peaceably with all men" (v.18). -Dennis Fisher

Harboring hatred in the heart
Will not lead to success;
But following truth and love and grace
Will lead to blessedness. -Hess
Hatred promotes self-destruction;
love fulfills Christ's instruction.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

Friday, April 27, 2012


Today's promise: God delights in those who honor him
A cheerful spirit
For the poor, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:15 NLT

When I think of God, my heart is so full of joy that the notes leap and dance as they leave my pen; and since God has given me a cheerful heart, I serve Him with a cheerful spirit.
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
A happy heart
A person's heart is a major concern of the Lord. God's Word tells us that he doesn't look at the things people look at. We look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart; that is, our "thoughts and intentions" (1 Samuel 16:7). Today's verse tells us that a happy, or cheerful, heart make life "a continual feast." How do we obtain — and maintain — this happy heart? There are many clues throughout the book of Proverbs. We should not let our hearts be anxious or proud because anxiety and pride are deterrents to a cheerful heart (Proverbs 12:25; 16:5). Instead, God calls us to have pure hearts and to keep them on the right path (Proverbs 22:11; 23:19). These are positive steps to achieving a happy heart because when we are being obedient to God's Word and experiencing his smile of approval, our hearts will be lighter, even in difficult times. The Bibles gives us many other instructions about how to have "healthy" hearts, but a good place to start is to embrace the truth of Proverbs 15:15 and ask God to show us how to develop hearts that are happy, no matter what challenges we are facing.
FATHER, help me to have a happy heart. Remove the anxiety that sometimes weighs my heart down. Keep my heart from growing proud. Instead, give me a pure heart — a heart that is pleasing to you. Help me to hide your Word in my heart so that I can walk in your ways and enjoy life that is a continual feast.
Adapted from The One Year® Book of Praying through the Bible by Cheri Fuller, Tyndale House Publishers (2003), entry for May 17.
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: God delights in those who honor him
What we owe God
The strength of a horse does not impress him; how puny in his sight is the strength of man. Rather, the Lord's delight is in those who honor him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.
Psalm 147:10-11 NLT

God being who and what He is, and we being who and what we are, the only thinkable relation between us is one of full lordship on His part and complete submission on ours. We owe him every honor that it is in our power to give Him.
A. W. Tozer (1897-1963)
What God delights in
In Psalm 147 we discover an important secret about relating to the Lord. Our great and mighty God, who has absolute power over everything in heaven and on earth, is not impressed with powerful people. Those who are strong and mighty in their own strength don't get God's attention. Instead, it is the brokenhearted and humble he notices and supports (vv. 3,6).
He chooses to work not through those who are strong but through those who are weak. And most of all, we don't earn his approval by being great or strong. He delights in those who reverently honor him and put their hope and trust in his unfailing love and mercy, not in their own ability. Today, if you've put your hope in anyone or anything else, ask the Lord to forgive you. But don't stop there. Ask his Spirit to so work in your life that your primary goal becomes honoring and pleasing God.
DEAR LORD, there have been times — even many — when I have relied on someone or something other than you. Forgive me.
Adapted from The One Year® Book of Praying through the Bible by Cheri Fuller, Tyndale House Publishers (2003), entry for June 29.
Digging Deeper: read Total Abandon by Gary Witherall and Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse (Tyndale, 2005)
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: God delights in those who honor him
The Heart Affects Everything
Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.
Proverbs 4:23 NLT

Let us learn to cast our hearts into God.
Bernard of Clairvaux
Guard the inside
If you're typical, you think of guarding your heart in terms of keeping things out. Corruption, false ideas, temptations — all are to be held at arm's length, never to be allowed in the inner depths of your affections. But there's another side to this vigilance. We are to keep things in. In fact, if we can master that, the corruptions and temptations will often take care of themselves.
Think about it: The things that can assail a heart from the outside are innumerable, far too overwhelming to manage. But the things we are told to keep within — the spirit of Jesus, the humility and gentleness, the servanthood and sacrifice, the worship and thankfulness — these are one Spirit. Most religions tell us to avoid the bad; God tells us to embrace Him. We are better equipped to focus on His character than on the enemy's devices. Nowhere are we told to live against the sinful nature and hope that the Spirit will show up. We're told to live by the Spirit and expect the sinful nature to have no power. We often get confused about that.
Too many Christians guard the way into their hearts to keep things out. That may be appropriate at times, but try a different approach. Guard the way out. Stand at the inside of the gate, and be careful about what may be leaving. Once in a while, we get a life-altering glimpse of true worship. By all means, keep it in! From time to time, we'll see a picture of true servanthood. Don't let that picture go! Hold on to these things! Treasuring the wellspring that God has birthed in your heart will leave little room for those corruptions you once obsessed over. And the wellspring is a much more pleasant preoccupation.
Adapted from The One Year® Walk with God Devotional by Chris Tiegreen, Tyndale House Publishers (2004), entry for May 10.
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House



Lucas 9:57-62

Nadie, ni haber puesto su mano
el arado, y mirando hacia atrás,
es apto para el Reino de Dios.
-Luke 9:62

Muchos centros de salud y fitness esperan una avalancha de personas para unirse a cada enero vendrán sólo unas cuantas veces. Ellos no le importa si personas pagan la cuota y nunca volver. Pero el entrenador de gimnasio Jesse Jones toma el enfoque opuesto. Si signo arriba y no aparecen, él terminará su afiliación. Jones dice, "guardar su dinero. Vienen a verme en unos meses cuando estás grave. Mi pasión no es para otro pago de tres meses... estamos haciendo personas responsables para alcanzar sus metas."

En Lucas 9:57-62, encontramos tres personas que dijeron Jesús querían seguirlo, y todos recibieron lo que parecen ser duras respuestas del Señor: "El hijo del hombre tiene nada para sentar cabeza" (v.58). "Deja que los muertos entierren a sus muertos: (v.60). "nadie, ni tener puso su mano en el arado y mirando hacia atrás, es apto para el Reino de Dios" (v. 62), para cada persona, Jesús declaró el sacrificio y el compromiso necesarios para convertirse en su discípulo.

Un hombre que admiro como un seguidor dedicado y sensible de Cristo dice que los cristianos deben estar "preparados para el cambio y compromiso radical".El Señor nos llama a abandonar el statu quo y a tener llamar seriamente por seguirlo. -David McCasland

Señor, quiero ser agotadas para usted. Quiero
Te amo con mi corazón todo, alma, mente, y
fuerza. Me dan el poder de ser quien tú quieres
y caminar en sus formas.
Seguir a Jesús exige todo.

En la exigencia de un compromiso total de sus discípulos, Jesús no es responsabilidad familiar anti-familia o opuesta. Él no rechaza un seguidor aspirante adecuado cierre-negando a su difunto padre un entierro decente (vv.61-62). Por el contrario, Jesús advierte que seguirlo no es siempre fácil o cómodo (v.58); requiere prioridad sobre todas otras relaciones (vv.59-61), centrarse exclusivamente, búsqueda incondicional y compromiso indivisa (v.62). Llamada de Jesús a discipulado es urgente, total y radical, con cero margen de demora, desvío o distracción. Jesús modelan este compromiso radical. A pesar de saber que traición, el sufrimiento y la muerte esperada, él "firmemente [o decididamente NIV] establecer su rostro para ir a Jerusalén" (9:51).

Tener un día bendito y el fin de semana.
Siempre el amor de Dios nuestro creador
La unidad y la paz



Luke 9:57-62

No one, having put his hand
to the plow, and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God.
-Luke 9:62

Many health and fitness centers expect a flood of people to join every January who will come only a few times.  They don't mind if people pay the fee and never return.  But fitness trainer Jesse Jones takes the opposite approach.  If you sign up and don't show up, he will terminate your membership.  Jones says, "Save your money.  Come see me in a few months when you're serious.  My passion is not for another three-month payment...we're making people accountable to reach their goals."

In Luke 9:57-62, we encounter three people who told Jesus they wanted to follow Him, and all received what seem to be harsh replies from the Lord:  "The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head" (v.58).  "Let the dead bury their own dead: (v.60).  "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" (v. 62),  For each person, Jesus stated the sacrifice and commitment required to become His disciple.

A man I admire as a dedicated and sensitive follower of Christ says that Christians need to be "ready for radical commitment and change."  The Lord calls us not only to leave the status quo, but also to take that calling seriously by following Him. -David McCasland

Lord, I want to be sold out for You.  I want to
love You with my whole heart, soul, mind, and
strength.  Give me the power to be who You want me
to be, and to walk in Your ways.
Following Jesus demands our all.

In demanding total commitment from His disciples, Jesus is not anti-family or opposing family responsibility.  He is not refusing a would-be follower proper closure-denying his deceased father a decent burial (vv.61-62).  Rather, Jesus is warning that following Him is not always easy or comfortable (v.58); it requires precedence over all other relationships (vv.59-61), single-minded focus, wholehearted pursuit, and undivided commitment (v.62).  Jesus' call to discipleship is urgent, total, and radical, with zero margin for delay, detour, or distraction.  Jesus modeled this radical commitment.  Despite knowing that betrayal, suffering, and death awaited, He "steadfastly  [or resolutely NIV] set His face to go to Jerusalem" (9:51).

Have a blessed day and weekend.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Promesa de hoy: el regalo de la salvación

Una ruptura radical

Mostrará me la forma de vida, me concede la alegría de su presencia y los placeres de vivir contigo para siempre.
Salmo 16:11 NLT

Toma una ruptura radical para convertir a un hombre de basura de la tierra al tesoro del cielo.
Vance Havner
Esclavitud a la libertad
A los 16 años, interesaba la libertad. Abandonó la escuela secundaria, obtuvo expulsado de mi casa y comenzó a vivir para mí. Seis semanas más tarde, comencé a darse cuenta de cómo insatisfecho fue. Mi libertad llamada me había hecho un esclavo de los deseos que estaban destruyendo rápidamente me. El mundo había mentido para mí. Alimentación, placer y popularidad no habían satisfecho me. Estaba vacío y solo.

Así que me volví a Dios. Necesitaba desesperadamente fijación; ¿quien mejor que para recurrir a que mi propio personal creador y diseñador? Solo en mi apartamento de Florida, voy en mis rodillas y pedido perdón a Dios. Le rogué que me cambie.

La vida es muy diferente ahora. No importan las cosas que solía vivir, y el hambre de las cosas que solía huir de. Dios no ha quitado mi emoción; él ha cambiado lo que me sale entusiasmado. Por primera vez en mi vida, me conformo. Dios me ha enseñado que sólo él puede satisfacer mi eterno anhelo de paz y placer.

Tullian Tchividhian en Prodigals y aquellos que aman
Es mucho mejor confiar nuestra vida a Dios. Cuando le dejamos llamar manda como tomamos el papel de funcionarios dispuestos y fieles, la vida empieza funcionando sin más problemas. Como David escribió: "Señor, solo eres mi herencia, mi Copa de bendición. Se guarda todo lo que es mío"(Salmo 16:5). Puede ser su oración como David: "Muéstrame el camino de la vida, me concede la alegría de su presencia y los placeres de vivir contigo para siempre" (Salmo 16:11).

Adaptado de Hombres de la Biblia devocional de integridad con la devoción de los editores de Hombres de integridad , una publicación del cristianismo hoy internacional (Tyndale, 2002), entrada para el 4 de mayo.

Contenido se deriva de la Santa Biblia, nueva traducción viven y otras publicaciones de Editorial Tyndale


Today's promise: The gift of salvation

A radical break

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
Psalm 16:11 NLT

It takes a radical break to turn a man from earth's trash to heaven's treasure.
Vance Havner

Slave to freedom

At age 16, I craved freedom. I dropped out of high school, got kicked out of my house, and began living for myself. Six weeks later, I began to realize how unsatisfied I was. My so-called freedom had made me a slave to desires that were quickly destroying me. The world had lied to me. Power, pleasure, and popularity had not satisfied me. I was empty and alone.
So I turned to God. I desperately needed fixing; who better to turn to than my own personal Creator and Designer? Alone in my Florida apartment, I go on my knees and asked God's forgiveness. I begged him to change me.

Life is quite different now. Things I used to live for don't matter anymore, and I hunger for things I used to run away from. God has not taken away my excitement; he has changed what I get excited about. For the first time in my life, I'm content. God has taught me that only he can satisfy my eternal longing for pleasure and peace.
Tullian Tchividhian in Prodigals and Those Who Love Them
It's much better to entrust our lives to God. When we let him call the shots as we take the role of willing and faithful servants, life begins running more smoothly. As David wrote, "Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine" (Psalm 16:5). May your prayer be like David's: "Show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever" (Psalm 16:11).

Adapted from Men of Integrity Devotional Bible with devotions from the editors of Men of Integrity, a publication of Christianity Today International (Tyndale, 2002), entry for May 4.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House



Peter 2 1:1-11

Si estas cosas son tuyas
y abundan, serás
ni estéril ni infructuosas
en el conocimiento de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo. -1 Pedro 1:8

Quiero ayudar a invertir sabiamente en tu futuro. " Eso es lo que dijo el asesor financiero como comenzó su charla acerca de invertir en el 401 (k) s y retiro los fondos. Quería que sus oyentes seguir poniendo dinero en la bolsa durante todos los altibajos de la economía porque históricamente un buen retorno finalmente ocurrirá.

Dios quiere invertir sabiamente en nuestro futuro espiritual así. A través de los altibajos de las circunstancias de la vida continuamente deberíamos invertir en un "cuenta espiritual": nuestro personaje. El apóstol Peter nos dice ser diligente sobre desarrollo del carácter (Peter 2 1:5-11). Después de que confiamos en Cristo para la salvación, vamos a invertir estas cualidades en nuestro personaje: fe, virtud, conocimiento, autocontrol, perseverancia, santidad, bondad fraternal y amor.

La rentabilidad futura de nuestra inversión en carácter será Florencia de santidad (vv.5-7), en el conocimiento de Cristo Jesús (v.8), garantía de nuestra llamada (v.9) y la victoria sobre el pecado de (v.10).

Invertir dinero en fondos de jubilación puede ser rentable, pero invertir en nuestra vida espiritual ofrece el mejor tipo de retorno para nuestros futuros! - Anne Cetas

Dejemos crecer en Cristo,
Afirmando su vida y sus poderes-
Los triunfos de gracia en el paradisíaco lugar
Que nuestro Señor conquistar ha hecho nuestra.-Flint
Ahora es el momento de invertir en la eternidad.

Segun Peter, Dios ha facultado para vivir vidas piadosas a través del crecimiento en "el conocimiento de [Cristo]" (v.3). Conocimiento enfáticamente se menciona cinco veces en este pasaje (VV. 2,3,5,6,8). Para crecer en santidad es conocer a Cristo personalmente e íntimamente (John 17:3; Colosenses 1:9-11, 28).

Tener un día bendito.
Siempre el amor de Dios nuestro creador
La unidad y la paz