Thursday, May 10, 2012



Matthew 5:21-26

If you...remember that your
brother has something against
you,...first be reconciled to your
brother.  -Matthew 5:23-24

Mark messed up.  He arrived an hour late at a restaurant where he was to meet a friend from church.  The friend had already left.  Feeling sorry about his mistake, Mark purchased a gift certificate from the restaurant and stopped at a local card shop to search for an apology card.  Among hundreds of cards, he was surprised to find only a few "sorry for my actions" cards in an obscure part of the store.  He purchased one and gave it to his friend who accepted his apology.

Although apology cards may not be popular, apologies are frequently needed in our relationships.  Apologizing is a biblical action.  Jesus instructed His followers to make things right with those we've offended (Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15-20).  And the apostle Paul said, "if it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all" (Romans 12:18).  Living at peace may require apologies.

Apologies can be hard to make because it takes a spirit of humility to admit our mistake, which may not come naturally for us.  But taking responsibility for how we were wrong in a situation can bring healing and restoration to a relationship.

Have you messed up?  Swallow your pride and make the first move-even if you can't find a card to help you say it. -Anne Cetas

Whenever you offend a friend,
Apologize and make things right;
For if you will admit your wrong,
You may avoid a needless fight. -Sper
The best way to get the last word is to apologize.

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) comprises some of the most difficult and demanding ethical teaching found in Scripture.  The high standards set forth in these verses have led to a variety of interpretations.  Scholars and theologians have proposed views ranging from a literal interpretation with universal application to a use of exaggeration by Jesus to dramatize His demands.  Whatever the view, the teaching is undeniable:  followers of Jesus are to be dramatically different than those around them, exercising both discipline and grace.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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