Monday, May 14, 2012




Proverbs 31:10-31

She watches over the ways of her
household, and does not eat the bread
of idleness.  -Proverbs 31:27

During the early years of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, Katharina Von Bora, a former nun, married Martin Luther (1525).  By all accounts, the two had a joyous married life.  Luther said, "There is no bond on earth so sweet, nor any separation so bitter, as that which occurs in a good marriage."

Because Katharina rose at 4 a.m. to care for her responsibilities, Luther referred to her as the "morning star of Wittenberg."  She was industrious in tending the vegetable garden and orchard.  Also, she administered the family business and managed the Luther's home and property.  In time, the couple had six children for whom Katharina felt the home was a school of character development.  Her energetic industry and care for the family made her a woman of influence.

Katharina seems to have been a woman like the one described in Proverbs 31.  She was indeed a virtuous wife who awoke "while it [was] yet night: and  provided "food for her household" (v.15).  She also watched "over the ways of her household, and [did] not eat the bread of idleness" (v.27).

From role models like Katharina, we can learn about the love, diligence, and fear of the Lord that's needed to be a woman of influence.  -Dennis Fisher

Lord, thank You for the influence our mothers and wives
have had on us.  We too want to touch the lies of
others, to point them to You.  We know we need Your
Spirit's power to do that.  Fill us and use us, we pray.
Good mothers not only tell us how to live-
they show us.

The psalmist Lemuel acquired this portrait of godly womanhood from his mother (see Psalm 31:1).  Therefore, today's reading likely represents the responsibilities of a younger woman from the viewpoint of a more mature woman (Lemuel's mother).  In today's age of gender role debates, it is helpful to consider a biblical picture of a godly woman.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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