Friday, May 11, 2012



Galatians 2:1-10

He who oppresses the poor
reproaches his Maker, but
he who honors Him has mercy
on the needy. -Proverbs 14:31

Statistics are tricky.  While numbers give us information, sometimes they can also desensitize us to the people those numbers represent.  This hit me recently as I read a statistic:  Every year 15 million people die from hunger.  That's chilling, and for those of us who live in cultures of plenty, it's hard to fathom.  In 2008, nearly 9 million children died before their fifth birthday, with a third of those deaths related to hunger.  These are staggering numbers, but they are much more than numbers.  They are individuals loved by God.

We can show the Father's heart of love by responding to people's physical needs.  Solomon wrote, "He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy" (Proverbs 14:31).  We can show mercy to the needy by volunteering at a soup kitchen, assisting in a job search, financially supporting the drilling of wells in places in need of fresh water, distributing food in poverty-stricken regions, teaching a trade, or providing lunches for school children.

Accepting this responsibility honors the Father and His concern for all.  And those who are starving might be better able to hear the message of the cross if their stomachs aren't growling. -Bill Crowder

If God ordained to give
One gift for all my days,
I'd want the way He loves
To permeate my ways. -Verway
The more we understand God's love for us
the more love we'll show to others.

Have a blessed day and weekend.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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