Saturday, May 12, 2012



Psalm 107:23-32

They mount up to the heavens,
[and] they go down again to the
depths.  -Psalm 107:26

Katsushika Hokusai was one of the most prolific and celebrated artists in Japanese history.  Between 1826 and 1833, when he was in his mid-60s and early 70s, he created his greatest work-a series of color woodblock prints titled Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji.  Among those paintings was his masterpiece:  The Great Wave Off Kanagawa.  This painting, created during a time of financial and emotional struggles for Hokusai, shows a towering wall of water edged with clawlike foam about to crash down on three slim boat full of rowers.

Psalm 107 also tells a story of people in peril at sea.  Afloat on the waves, "they mount up to the heavens, [and] they go down again to the depths."  And as a result, "their soul melts because of trouble" (v.26).  Eventually, the sailors send an S.O.S. to God, and He responds by smoothing out the sea and guiding them to their destination (vv. 28-30).

When we face desperate circumstances, we tend to look to other people for guidance and comfort.  They are in the same boat, however-lost in an ocean of life's ups and downs.  Only God is outside the boat, sovereign, stable, and strong enough to calm the storm (vv.24-25, 29).  Facing trouble?  Call on Him! -Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain? -Owens
We worship a God who is greater
than our greatest problem.

Today's reading is a marvelous word picture for the inevitable troubles of life.  Each of us may experience smooth sailing only to see a threatening circumstance looming on the horizon.  The book of Psalms portrays the instability that such storms create-storms that knock the believer off balance.  At such times, prayer is a great stabilizing force.  Only recognition of God's sovereign control over every circumstance, threatening or benign, can give us the steady perseverance to ride out the storm.  Ultimately, God's grace will guide us to safe harbor.  With God as our captain, we can be confident no matter what threats the forecast may hold.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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