Tuesday, January 29, 2013



Romans 5:1-8

Through [Jesus] also we have
access by faith into this grace
in which we stand, and rejoice
in hope of the glory of God.
-Romans 5:2

The expression "red tape" describes the annoying way that bureaucracy prevents things from getting done.  Originally, the phrase referred to the common practice of binding official documents with red ribbon.  In the early 1800s, the term was popularized by the writings of Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle, who was protesting governmental foot-dragging.  Following the American Civil War, the problem of "red tape" resurfaced as war veterans struggled to receive their benefits.  The term denotes frustration and disappointment because of the burdensome hurdles it erects to accomplishing goals.

Bureaucratic red tape is almost legendary, but there is one place in the universe where it's never an issue-the throne of God.  In Romans 5:2, Paul speaks of Christ, "through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand."  When our hearts are broken or our lives are troubled, there is no red tape hindering our access to God.  Jesus Christ has paved the way so that we can have access to enter boldly into the presence of the King of Heaven (Hebrews 4:16).

Remember, when your heart is hurting, you don't have to cut through a lot of red tape to present your needs to God.  Through Christ, we have full and immediate access.  -Bill Crowder

Thank You, Father, that access to Your throne
has been secured for us by Jesus Christ.  We
know that You will not ignore us.  Thank You for
the confidence we can have that You care.
God's throne is always accessible to His children.

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, believers are now justified by faith (Romans 5:1).  Paul speaks of this as our undeserved privilege.  We now have "peace with God" (v.1), for we are no longer His enemies.  We have been delivered from His wrath and reconciled to Him (vv.9-11).  We have access to God, and our glorious hope (v.2) is being restored to His glory (3:23).  This gives us a new perspective on life's pains.  We can rejoice in our present sufferings because they are designed by God to strengthen, mature, and perfect us (5:3-4).  All of this is possible because of a new experience of God's inexhaustible love, demonstrated through Christ's death and affirmed through the giving of the Holy Spirit (v.5).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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