Friday, September 28, 2012


By His Mercies Alone, Daniel
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Atheists Reluctantly Acknowledge the Superiority of the Church

The contempt that atheists have for religion is well know. The Dictionary of Contemporary Mythology (DCM) contains a typical quip:

  • The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence. (Quoted from Pique: Newsletter of the Secular Humanist Society of New York, Sept 2012. All other quotes are taken from this newsletter.)

In other words, faith is insanity! Likewise, atheist Walter Balcerak writes, “As a secular humanist, I believe religions are mainly harmful delusions.” Surprisingly, he acknowledges that some good comes out of religion. Balcerak quotes the atheist professor of psychology, Jonathan Haidt:

  • According to Haidt, religion does more than unite people. He says studies indicate that religiously observant Americans “are more generous with their time and money, especially in helping the needy, and they are more active in community life.”

  • Research on 19th century communes demonstrates the cohesiveness of religious groups, he asserts, because they were much more likely to survive than secular ones. Of the 400 communes studied, 20 years after their founding only 6 percent of secular groups had survived, compared to 39 percent of religious groups.

The difference between the experience of the Secular and the Christian (I’m assuming that almost all of what are called “religious” are Christian) groups is profound. However, Balcerak and other atheists believe that secularism can merely borrow certain techniques from these Christian groups, like brushing your hair to the left instead of the right side. The secularist can easily implement this change, but it’s doubtful if this will favorably impact secular communities.

Atheist Sara Robinson goes even further:

  • There is simply no other organizational form that encourages people to share their time, energy, and resources so quickly, completely, or enduringly; or aligns so much conviction toward the same goal.

Most atheists seem to think that all they merely need to change the “organizational form” – a mere superficiality – and they will experience the same benefits. However, Robinson acknowledges that change will require more than a mere face-lift:

  • If you want to change the world, this is the kind of group – deeply bound by faith, trust, love, history, and a commitment to each other and to the world they envision that transcends life and death – that’s most likely to get it done. Religion is the best way going to get people to consecrate themselves, body and soul, to a larger cause; and to take on the kind of all-or-nothing risks that are often required to really change the world.

This is where Robinson parts company from the New Atheists. Consequently, the editor of Pique appends the article with a “solicitation”:

  • Okay, readers, now that you’re outraged, send your rebuttals – approvals? – to

Nevertheless, Robinson regards religion as a matter of “superstition,” and superstition is a matter of delusion, even “insanity,” according to DCM. We are therefore left to wonder how being insane and the deluded:

  • Is the best way going to get people to consecrate themselves, body and soul, to a larger cause; and to take on the kind of all-or-nothing risks that are often required to really change the world.

Since when does “insanity” and delusion produce such good results?


Today's promise: God forgives all sins, no matter how big

Why would God want to forgive?
"I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth — blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives. And anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. There will be people on Mount Zion in Jerusalem who escape, just as the Lord has said. These will be among the survivors whom the Lord has called."
Joel 2:30-32 NLT

If we say we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.
1 John 1:8-9 NLT

Bound by His Word
"Why would God want to forgive people who have spent a lifetime denying him and hurting him? Why doesn't He just zap them? In our humanity we say that certain people don't deserve forgiveness. In His sovereignty and perfect love. God says, "I love and forgive those who, to others, appear unsalvageable." This is just one of the ways in which God's thoughts are beyond our own. His mercy is so overwhelming that it can seem unreasonable to us. Are you willing to let God's mercy do as it wishes — with anyone?1

If His conditions are met, God is bound by His Word to forgive any man or any woman of any sin because of Christ.
Billy Graham2

1from the TouchPoint Bible with commentaries by Ron Beers and Gilbert Beers (Tyndale) p 760
2quoted in Wise Words & Quotes by Vernon McLellan (Tyndale) p 102
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: God forgives all sins, no matter how big

A two-way street
"Come now, let us argue this out," says the Lord. "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool."
Isaiah 1:18 NLT

"Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT

About this week's promise:
"The situation referred to in these verses is what we call a "two-way street." We move in humility and repentance toward God, against whom we have sinned. In turn, God moves toward us with forgiveness and restoration. When we obey God, he will send blessing. And when we disobey God, we have the option of humble repentance. Blessings can flow again if our repentance is genuine and not merely a ploy to get "back on God's good side."

This two-way principle is also at work in all our human relationships. When sin has damaged a relationship, we can be restored through honest repentance, met with forgiveness. Sometimes, both parties must repent and forgive, because the fault is shared.

from the TouchPoint Bible with commentaries by Ron Beers and Gilbert Beers (Tyndale) p 381

For more on this week's promise, check out these Tyndale resources:

Radical Forgiveness by Julie Ann Barnhill - for Women (2004)
Forgiven by Karen Kingsbury - Fiction (2005)
Why Sin Matters by Mark McMinn (2004)

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

Une prière pour le pardon et la miséricorde

Promesse d'aujourd'hui : Dieu pardonne tous les péchés, n'importe quelle taille

Une prière pour le pardon et la miséricorde

Rien ne peut nous séparer de son amour...
Romains 08:38 NLT

Pour l'honneur de ton nom, Ô Seigneur, pardonne mes péchés beaucoup, beaucoup... Se tourner vers moi et aie pitié de moi, car je suis seul et en détresse profonde. Mes problèmes vont de mal en pis. O, sauve-moi de tous ! Sentir ma douleur et voir mon ennui. Pardonner tous mes péchés.
Psaume 25.11, au plus tard le 16-18

Comme des dominos...
Avez-vous déjà senti comme si les problèmes dans votre vie comme une série de dominos ? Un domino tombe vers le bas, et il déclenche une réaction en chaîne qui abat le reste des dominos. David estime que ses problèmes allaient de mal en pis — ses ennemis avaient encerclé lui, attend sa fin ultime. David pouvait apercevoir aucunement. Mais même dans son désespoir, il savait que c'était qu'il pouvait toujours faire confiance pour l'aider. Il se tourna vers Dieu, confessait ses péchés, a demandé pardon et a plaidé pour la miséricorde.

Lorsque nous sommes séparés de Dieu à cause de nos péchés, nous avons besoin de se repentir et demander pardon. Puis, avec un cœur pur, nous pouvons venir devant lui et demander de l'aide. Il entendra et nous répondre « pour l'honneur de son nom. »

Une prière pour aujourd'hui :

Cher Dieu, pour l'honneur de votre nom, s'il vous plaît pardonner mes péchés beaucoup, beaucoup et aie pitié de moi...

depuis Livre de prières de la Bible un an Bruce Barton, rédacteur en chef (Tyndale) entrée pour le 10 octobre

Contenu est dérivé de la Sainte Bible, nouvelle traduction vivant et autres publications de Tyndale Publishing House

Una preghiera per il perdono e la misericordia

Promessa di oggi: Dio perdona tutti i peccati, non importa quanto grande

Una preghiera per il perdono e la misericordia

Nulla mai può separarci dal suo amore...
Romani 08:38 NLT

Per l'onore del tuo nome, O Signore, perdonare i miei peccati di molti, molti... Rivolgi a me e abbi pietà di me, perché io sono da solo e in profondo disagio. I miei problemi vanno di male in peggio. Oh, salvami da tutti! Sentire il mio dolore e vedere i miei problemi. Perdona tutti i miei peccati.
Salmo 25, 16-18 NLT

Come Domino...
Avete mai sentito come se i problemi nella vostra vita come una serie di Domino? Uno domino cade e scatena una reazione a catena che abbatte il resto del domino. David sentiva suoi problemi andavano di male in peggio, i suoi nemici avevano circondato lui, aspettando la sua definitiva scomparsa. David potrebbe vedere no way out. Ma anche nella sua disperazione, sapeva che c'era uno di cui potersi fidare sempre di aiutarlo. Egli si rivolse a Dio, confessò i suoi peccati, ha chiesto perdono e supplicato per misericordia.

Quando ci siamo separati da Dio a causa dei nostri peccati, abbiamo bisogno di pentirsi e chiedere perdono. Poi, con un cuore puro, possiamo venire prima di lui e chiedere aiuto. Egli sente e ci risponde "per"l'onore del suo nome.

Una preghiera per oggi:

Caro Dio, per l'onore del tuo nome, si prega di perdonare i miei peccati di molti, molti e abbi pietà di me...

da Il libro di un anno di preghiere della Bibbia Bruce Barton, general editor (Tyndale) ingresso per il 10 ottobre

Contenuto è derivato dalla Sacra Bibbia, traduzione di vivere nuove e altre pubblicazioni della casa editrice di Tyndale

Uma oração para o perdão e misericórdia

Promessa de hoje: Deus perdoa todos os pecados, não importa quão grande

Uma oração para o perdão e misericórdia

Nada nunca pode separar-do seu amor...
Romanos 08:38 NLT

Para a honra do seu nome, Ó Senhor, perdoa meus pecados de muitos, muitos... Olhai para mim e tem misericórdia de mim, pois estou sozinho e em profunda angústia. Meus problemas vão de mal a pior. Ó, me salve de todos eles! Sinta minha dor e ver o meu problema. Perdoe todos os meus pecados.
Salmo 25:11, 16-18 NLT

Como o dominó...
Você já sentiu como se tratasse de problemas em sua vida como uma série de dominós? Um dominó cair, e isso desencadeia uma reação em cadeia que derruba o resto dos dominós. David sentiu que seus problemas estavam indo de mal a pior, seus inimigos tinham cercado-lo, esperando sua morte final. David podia ver nenhuma maneira para fora. Mas mesmo em seu desespero, ele sabia que havia um a quem ele sempre poderia confiar para ajudá-lo. Ele virou-se para Deus, confessou seus pecados, pedia perdão e implorou por misericórdia.

Quando nós separados de Deus por causa dos nossos pecados, nós precisa se arrepender e pedir perdão. Em seguida, com um coração limpo, pode vir antes dele e pedir ajuda. Ele vai ouvir e responder-nos "para a honra do seu nome."

Uma oração para hoje:

Querido Deus, pela honra de seu nome, por favor, perdoe meus pecados de muitos, muitos e tem misericórdia de mim...

de Ano um livro de orações da Bíblia Bruce Barton, editor geral (Tyndale) entrada para 10 de outubro

Conteúdo é derivado da Bíblia Sagrada, New Living Translation e outras publicações da editora Tyndale

Una oración de perdón y misericordia

Promesa de hoy: Dios perdona todos los pecados, no importa cómo es grande

Una oración de perdón y misericordia
Nunca nada puede separarnos de su amor...
Romanos 8:38 NLT

Por el honor de tu nombre, Oh Señor, perdona mis pecados de muchos, muchos... Hacia mí y ten piedad de mí, que soy solo y en profunda angustia. Mis problemas van de mal en peor. Oh, Sálvame de todos ellos! Siente mi dolor y ver mis problemas. Perdones todos mis pecados.
Salmo 25:11, 16-18 NLT

Como fichas de dominó...
¿Te has sentido como si fueran los problemas en su vida como una serie de fichas de dominó? Un domino se cae y pone en marcha una reacción en cadena que derriba el resto de las piezas de dominó. David sentía que sus problemas iban de mal en peor, sus enemigos habían rodeado a él, a la espera de su desaparición definitiva. David pudo ver ninguna manera hacia fuera. Pero incluso en su desesperación, sabía que había uno que él siempre podría confiar para ayudarle. Convertido a Dios, confesó sus pecados, pidió perdón y abogó por misericordia.

Cuando nosotros estamos separados de Dios por nuestros pecados, necesitamos a arrepentirse y pedir perdón. Luego, con un corazón limpio, podemos venir delante de él y pedir ayuda. Él escuchará y contestarnos "por"el honor de su nombre.

Una oración para hoy:

Querido Dios, por el honor de su nombre, por favor, perdona mis pecados de muchos, muchos y ten piedad de mí...

desde Año un libro de oraciones de la Biblia Bruce Barton, editor general (Tyndale) entrada para el 10 de octubre

Contenido se deriva de la Santa Biblia, nueva traducción viviente y otras publicaciones de la Editorial Tyndale


Today's promise: God forgives all sins, no matter how big
A prayer for forgiveness and mercy
Nothing can ever separate us from His love…
Romans 8:38 NLT

For the honor of your name, O Lord, forgive my many, many sins… Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and in deep distress. My problems go from bad to worse. O, save me from them all! Feel my pain and see my trouble. Forgive all my sins.
Psalm 25:11, 16-18 NLT
Like dominoes…
Have you ever felt as though the problems in your life were like a series of dominoes? One domino falls down, and it sets off a chain reaction that knocks down the rest of the dominoes. David felt that his problems were going from bad to worse — his enemies had surrounded him, waiting for his ultimate demise. David could see no way out. But even in his despair, he knew there was one whom he could always trust to help him. He turned to God, confessed his sins, asked for forgiveness, and pleaded for mercy.

When we are separated from God because of our sins, we need to repent and ask for forgiveness. Then, with a clean heart, we can come before him and ask for help. He will hear and answer us "for the honor of his name."

A prayer for today:

Dear God, for the honor of your name, please forgive my many, many sins and have mercy on me…

from The One Year Book of Bible Prayers Bruce Barton, general editor (Tyndale) entry for October 10
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Today's promise: Lies will be exposed

Exposing hypocrisy

"But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves."
Romans 1:18 NLT

The Lord hates those who don't keep their word, but he delights in those who do.
Proverbs 12:22 NLT

One day, we'll all "face the music"

"The expression "face the music" originated in Japan. One man in the imperial orchestra couldn't play a note, but as a person of great influence and wealth, he demanded to be given a seat; he wanted the emperor to see him "perform." The conductor agreed to let the man sit in the second row. He was handed a flute, and when a concert began, he'd raise his instrument, pucker his lips, and move his fingers. He went through all the motions of playing but never made a sound. His deception continued for two years.

Then a new conductor took over. He told the orchestra that he would audition each player personally. One by one the musicians performed in his presence. At last came this flutist's turn. Frantic with worry, he pretended to be sick — but his lies caught up with him. The doctor who examined him declared him perfectly fine. Finally the pretender had to admit he was fake. He couldn't face the music.

Ready or not, all of us will one day face the music. We will all appear before the Lord, without masks and without deception. Better that we show our true faces to the world now than have someone ask on that day, "Who was that unmasked man?"

from Breakfast with Jesus by Greg Laurie (Tyndale) pp 149-50
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: Lies will be exposed

What's wrong with a little plagiarism?

"I hate and abhor all falsehood, but I love your law."
Psalm 119:163 NLT

Kidnapping of the Brainchild

"In an essay for Time magazine, Lance Morrow writes about "kidnapping the brainchild":

book critic for a newspaper plagiarized an old essay of mine. Someone sent the thing to me. There on the page, under another man's name, my words had taken up a new life — clause upon clause, whole paragraphs transplanted. My phrases ambled along dressed in the same meanings.…It argued and whistled and waved to friends. It acted very much at home. My sentences had gone over into a parallel universe, which was another writer's work.…The thoughts were mine, all right. But they were tricked up as another man's inner life, a stranger's…

The Commandments warn against stealing, against bearing false witness, against coveting. Plagiarius is kidnapper in Latin. The plagiarist snatches the writer's brainchildren, pieces of his soul…

The only charming plagiarism belongs to the young. Schoolchildren shovel information out of an encyclopedia. Gradually they complicate the burglary, taking two or three reference books instead of one. The mind (still on the wrong side of the law) then deviously begins to intermingle passages, reshuffle sentences, disguise raw chunks from the Britannica, find synonyms, reshape information until it becomes something like the student's own. A writer, as Saul Bellow has said, "is a reader moved to emulation." Knowledge transforms theft. An autonomous mind emerges from the sloughed skin of the plagiarist."

Lance Morrow, "Kidnapping the Brainchild,", Time, 3 December 1990, 126. Quoted in
1001 Great Stories and Quotes by R. Kent Hughes (Tyndale) p 133

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: Lies will be exposed

Come to your senses

"When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, 'At home even the hired men have food enough to spare, and here I am, dying of hunger!"
Luke 15:17 NLT

Resisting forbidden fruit

"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is the first volume of C. S. Lewis's famous Chronicles of Narnia series, which features four British children during World War II who are magically transported into the world of Narnia. There they are given the heroic task of helping to undo the curse cast by an evil witch, which has kept the land frozen in a perpetual winter.

Soon after arriving in Narnia, Edmund is separated from the other children and encounters the White Witch. She offers him a magical candy that he finds addicting; eating it puts him under her power. With deadly accuracy Lewis paints a picture of the way sin affects us. It doesn't announce itself as sin; it draws us in with something that seems pleasant and comforting but becomes addictive, blinding us to what is good and attracting us to what is evil.

The charms of the magical candy eventually wear off. The turning point comes when Edmund is finally moved to compassion for someone besides himself. The story echoes the parable of the lost son, who succumbs to sin and then comes to his senses, repents, and returns home to his overjoyed father."

adapted from How Now Shall We Live? Devotional by Charles Colson (Tyndale) pp 625-26
With the movie version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe available, now is a good time to read this classic tale and some of the many helpful books about it, including Walking Through the Wardrobe by Sarah Arthur (Tyndale, 2005)

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

Rester Pure

Promesse d'aujourd'hui : mensonges seront exposés

Rester pure

« Comment peut une jeune personne rester pure ? En obéissant à ta parole et suivant ses règles. J'ai essayé de mon mieux pour vous trouver, ne me laisse pas errer de vos commandes. J'ai caché ta parole dans mon coeur, que je ne pourrais pas pécher contre toi."
Psaume 119:9-11 NLT

Entasser sur
Dans le jeu de football, il est appelé « empilant sur »: vous êtes déjà en bas quand tout à coup vous obtenez à nouveau bastonné par votre adversaire. Dans la vraie vie, elle est appelée guerre spirituelle, et c'est souvent déguisé. Tu souffres par un moment difficile quand soudain l'ennemi vient à vous avec ce qui en fait ressemble à soulagement.

Ah, comment vulnérables nous sommes dans ces moments-là ! Après tout j'ai eu à endurer ces derniers temps, je pense que je mérite une petite pause! Comme il est facile de rationaliser ! Il serait vraiment être si mauvais pour moi à ___ ? Pourquoi pas?

Bien sûr, c'est la nature de la tentation. Sur la partie frontale, sin ressemble « céleste ». Sur la face arrière, il est toujours infernale et aggrave les situations désagréables.

Notre seul espoir est de vivre la promesse que la parole de Dieu peut nous garder du péché. En remplissant nos cœurs et nos esprits avec la vérité de la parole de Dieu, nous sommes en mesure de reconnaître les mensonges de l'ennemi. Voilà comment nous rester purs dans les temps durs, tentants (voir Matthieu 4:1-11). C'est comment éviter les tentatives trompeuses de Satan de nous frapper à nouveau lorsque nous sommes vers le bas.

Prier la promesse de Dieu :
Dieu, quand je me cache ta parole dans mon coeur, je peux garder de pécher ! Accorde-moi la sagesse vous chercher et de se cacher ta parole dans mon cœur. J'ai besoin de discernement pour appliquer votre vérité de situations quotidiennes, surtout quand je vais à travers les moments difficiles.

depuis Prier les promesses de Dieu dans les moments difficiles par Len Wood (Tyndale) pp. 170-71

Contenu est dérivé de la Sainte Bible, nouvelle traduction vivant et autres publications de Tyndale Publishing House