Friday, February 3, 2012


Black Widow

Vengeance is mine said the Lord, I will repay, (Romans 12:19)

You are a Black Widow.  Your words are venomous and

Everyone you come in contact with you destroy them.
You take someone innocent and pure as a child and
destroy them.

Where there was love and joy in their hearts, doubt and
confusion abides.  Where there were smiles of happiness
on their faces, frowns of sadness now cover them.

After you have entrapped/ensnared your mate, you feed
upon him to destroy him.  You have done an excellent job
of that because you have stripped him of his pride, his
self-esteem.  He now feels that you have destroyed him
and everything positive he has worked for is destroyed.

He has nothing left to live for.  You have killed him. 
Whenever he tries to build himself up to be independent
of you, you destroy his future. 

If you can’t have him nobody can and the sad thing about
that is that you now don’t want him either.  You are not
willing to forgive him for what was done in the past.  You
did the same thing.

Always keep in mind, Christ forgave you of your sins so who
are you that you can’t forgive another person of their sins.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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