Thursday, February 2, 2012


***Marine’s Arrival***

We’re on our way back from a beautiful vacation in Florida.
The plane approaches the airport in New York.  I look out
the window and it seems as if I could see my house down

The plane lands.  It comes to a stop but for some strange
reason the seatbelt sign is still on, then we hear an
announcement over the loudspeaker.  It is the captain and
he is addressing us.  He informs us that we have one of our
fallen soldiers aboard on his way home. The captain ask us
to stay seated until the Marine that is Escorting this fallen
soldier home gets off the plane first.

When he leaves the plane he goes to where the fallen
soldier was placed.  As other Marines meet him they go in,
place the flag the Marine had in his lap on the plane, over
the casket and take the fallen soldier out. 

They proudly carried the fallen soldier’s casket to the Hurst
and off they go into the distance to the fallen soldier’s
hometown to be buried.

Copyright 2006 by Florence Wiggins &

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