Sunday, February 5, 2012


 Two Painful Rituals Some Women Go Through

Foot-binding and Female Circumcision

There are two rituals that are very painful to the female
but yet it is done to please the man.  One is foot-binding
and the other is female circumcision.

Foot-binding is a process done to a female when she is
young.  Her feet are bind so they won’t get big.

In some cultures women are more desirable when they
have small feet.  She suffers greatly through this process
and is unable to walk.  She has to crawl.

Female circumcision is another process done to a female
when she is young.  When she was circumcised she was
wrapped for 40 days so she didn’t split the incisions. 

In some villages a man believed his wife’s vagina was a
door.  When he had to be away from his wife, her vagina
had to be sewn up.  When he returned she would be cut
and he would have to be gentle with her.  If she didn’t
want to be cut, it would take about 40 days for her to fully
receive her husband again without pain.

This ritual was done also to prevent neighboring villages
from raping their women.  If two girls where circumcised
at the same time, they became sisters.

The pain women go through.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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