Friday, February 3, 2012



When I think of fire, I think of a light that gives off
tremendous heat when you are near it.

If close to this light/fire, you can get burned but if too
close, death will come upon you because the heat is
too much for the human body to bear.

In the forest the light/heat from a fire can keep your
enemies away from you.  The heat from the fire can
be used in a positive fashion when out in the forest
and you get cold, it warms the body.

Fire is used to cook raw food so you can eat it.  Fire
is also used so you can heat up something to drink
when you get cold. 

As I think back in history, fire was used as a weapon. 
When fire was first discovered I can imagine the joy
of the person who discovered it.

Fire can be a friend or a foe it just depends on how it
is used.  Controlled fires get rid of areas not needed.
Uncontrolled fires destroys everything in its path, even

God’s fire is the best fire because it leads us to a brighter
place.  Heaven.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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