Sunday, February 5, 2012


Nine Eleven Twin Towers

N – New York/Washington-Three hijacked planes crashed
I – Into major U.S. landmarks these planes flew
N – News of this disaster broadcasted everywhere
E – Even America’s pastime could not escape this disaster

E – Entertainment was interrupted in America
L – Loss of life was expected to be catastrophic
E – Ensuring the functioning of the government was threatened
V – View of this disaster will never be forgotten
E – Early speculation of attack source, Osama Bin-Laden
N – National tragedy of terrorism will not be tolerated here

T – Twin Towers totally destroyed by hijacked plane crash
W – World leaders expressed shock and horror
I – Into flames both towers burned fiercely
N – No one above the plane crashes could survive, some jumped

T – This day of horror continued as the buildings collapsed
OOsama Bin-Laden, What have you done to America?
W – War.  Is that what you want from the American people?
E – Explosions and fires left gaping holes in the twin towers
R“Revenge is Mine, I will repay” say the Lord (Romans 12:19)
S – Sirens were heard as terrified people rushed seeking safety

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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