Thursday, February 2, 2012


Good afternoon everyone.
I just want to take this time to thank all that made it to last Saturday night's Baby Shower. The games were a success, the food was consumed and the gifts were adorable. Sharifa and Thiery were very encouraged and have not stopped expressing their gratitude : )
To all the prize winners, congrats!
Even though many confirmed guests did not make it please, don't fret, the registries are still open. Once again, the expecting couple is registered under Sharifa Kamga or Sharifa & Thiery Kamga at:
Thanks again for all of your support!
Here is today's Bible lesson:

1 Samuel 4:1-11

I wil say of the LORD, "He is my
refuge and my fortress; my God,
in Him I will trust." -Psalm 91:2

Everybody was wrong about the ark of the covenant (an item in the tabernacle that represented the throne of God).  After losing a battle to the Philistines, Israel sent messengers to Shiloh to ask that the ark be hauled to Ebenezer, the site of their army camp.

When the ark arrived, the Israelites celebrated so loudly the enemy heard them all the way over in Aphek.  The ark's arrival caused the Philistines to fear and the Israelites to have courage.

They were both wrong.  The Israelites took the ark into battle and were again clobbered by the Philistines, who captured the ark.  Another mistake.  The Philistines got sick and their false gods were destroyed.

We can understand the Philistines' error-they were idol-worshipers.  But the Israelites should have known better.  They failed to consult God about using the ark.  While they knew that the ark was earlier carried in battle (Joshua 6), they didn't consider that God's plan, not the ark's involvement, allowed Israel to defeat Jericho.

No matter our resources, we will fail unless we use them according to God's plan.  Let's study the Word, pray for God's direction, and trust His leading (Psalm 91:2) before we step out in any venture of faith. -Dave Branon

My times are in my Father's hand;
How could I wish or ask for more?
For He who has my pathway planned
Will guide me till my journey's o'er. -Fraser
We see in part; God sees the whole.

With the death of Eli's corrupt sons Hophni and Phinehas (1 Samuel 4:11; see also 1 Samuel 2:11-17), the way was cleared for Samuel to become the spiritual leader of the nation of Israel at a time when such leadership was desperately needed (1 Samuel 7).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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