Friday, February 3, 2012


Wake Up And Sleep With God

God Will Be Your Shield At All Times

Every morning when I wake up, I get on my knees and
thank God and give Him praise.  For we are not guaranteed
to see a new day when we go to sleep at night. It is God’s
good grace that allows us to see another day.

While on my knees, I ask God to take me out to my destinations
safely and bring me back protecting me from all hurt, harm and
danger seen and unseen.

This prayer God has answered over and over again.  God has
protected me a few months ago on my way home.  After
getting off from work, walking up the block, I was about to
step off the curb.  God’s angels held me back and a car backed
up at a fast speed missing me.

Just last week after work God’s angels did not let me step back.
A car came right behind me.  The car seemed like it was on my
back but God’s angels again protected me.

I know now that it is not my time yet to be with Him.  I will be
ready when He wants to take me, so always wake up and go
to sleep with God in your prayers.

He loves you.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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