Thursday, February 2, 2012


***Bullet Hole***

As I look at the bullet hole in the window I think of
its destination.

Was its destination animate or was its destination
inanimate?  Who or what suffered the damage/destruction
when the bullet shot through this window and reached its
destination?  Who shot this bullet?

The damage to the window was minimum.  Just the hole can
be seen.  The glass wasn’t shattered upon impact through it.
It was round like the shape of a donut hole.  What was the
shape/condition of its destination after being hit?

This was a sniper’s bullet trying to hit one of our troops.  Its
destination was for something that was animate.  I’m talking
about human life but God was on the side of this troop’s life.

God’s presence directed the bullet to another location.  God’s
presence directed the bullet to an object that was inanimate
which saved human life and made that troop/soldier aware
and on his guard that danger was in their area.

Put on the whole armor of God and you will be protected from
the enemy.


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