Sunday, February 5, 2012


Can’t You Feel The Pain/Clitoridectomy

There was a child who was asleep in her room with her
younger sisters.  A noise in the room next to her awoke
her.  She could hear the voices of her father and mother.

Her father’s voice was very loud and domineering.  Her
mother started to sob.  Soon there was silence and the
child returned to her bed.

The next morning the child’s mother prepared a beautiful
breakfast.  They ate together as a family.  Afterwards the
mother approached the child and told her to go down to
the river and bath in the water.  For at this time of the year
the river was very cold.  The child obeyed.

After the child had returned from the river the mother took
the child to a special place where other children were.  The
child heard crying and screaming in the other room then
silence and was afraid but her mother tried to comfort her
and told her not to be afraid.  The child’s turn was next.

She will never forget the pain she went through that day.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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