Friday, February 3, 2012



Drinking causes only destruction or death in your life.

Drinking is a form of recreation some people join in but
shouldn’t because it is very harmful to your body when
taken in large quantities.

Drinking, does it really taste good, does it really ease
your pain?  Drinking, does it really help you forget the
problems that you are going through?

Drinking for some taste good and for others taste bad.
Drinking for some seem to ease the pain but when the
alcohol level gets very low, you will notice the pain is
still there.

Drinking impairs your thought patterns and response
time making you feel the lost thoughts of what is
happening to you at that time but the problems you
are going through are still there.  They have not disappeared.
They have not gone away.

Drinking makes you do things and say things you would
not ordinarily do or say if you weren’t drinking.

Drinking makes you act irresponsible because it affects
your mind process compared to your actions if you weren’t

If you have to drink, drink from Christ’s spring of living water.
It’s the best.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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