Friday, February 3, 2012


Measure of Faith

Faith is released by words through your mouth.

You have to follow God’s pattern, and God said,
“Let there be light” and there was light.

Nothing came into existence until God spoke.  God
is your source in all that your need.  There isn’t
anything that you need that God will not supply.
Your needs is what God supply you at a particular

God don’t want to bring pain upon mankind.  He wants
mankind to repent of their sins.  We have to change
our ways.

The circumstances around us should have nothing to do
with changing our ways.  We have to want to change
our ways.

When you are down so far that the darkness is so dark,
you can’t see anything.  You need to go up so you can
move into the light to find your way back to God’s grace.

Believe by speaking the word.  Ask and it shall be given.
You have to get past what people think. 

Faith is like a spiritual muscle.  If you don’t develop it,
it won’t get stronger.  Put your faith in God today.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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