Sunday, February 5, 2012


My Experience of 911 – Twin Towers

September 11, 2001 – World Trade Center Disaster

I remember that day as plain and as crystal clear as a
glass of ice cold water.

I just came out of the 14th Street, 6th Avenue train
station at the back of the station that puts me at
16th Street, 6th Avenue.  I work on 19th Street.

As I got to the top of the steps, I saw people looking
to my left and upward as though they were mesmerized
with blank eyes of disbelief.

As I slowly turned my head, I knew what the stare was
all about.  I too wondered what caused such a tremendous

It was breath taken and I started to pray as I walked to
work.  After arriving at my job, I found out what had
happened.  My co-worker’s mother worked in one of
those towers.  She was a basket case.

As I continued to pray attempting to do my work, another
plane went into the second tower.  More prayers went up
before the Father.  Tower One imploded and with time the
second tower imploded.  Death was everywhere.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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