Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Good afternoon everyone.
Here is today's Bible lesson:
Psalm 100
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for
He is good!  -Psalm 136:1
Joel and Lauren decided to move from Washington State back home to Michigan.  Wanting to make one last special memory, they bought coffee from their favorite cafe and then stopped at their favorite bookstore.  There they picked up two bumper stickers with a favorite motto of the town they were saying goodbye to:  "It's an Edmonds kind of day."
After 2 weeks and a 3,000-mile drive, they entered Michigan.  Hungry and wanting to celebrate their arrival, they stopped and asked about where to find a restaurant.  Although they had to backtrack a few miles, they found a quaint little cafe.  Emma, their waitress, excited to learn they were from her home state of Washington, asked, "What city?"  "Edmonds," they replied.  "That's where I'm from!"  she said.  Wanting to share the joy, Joel got their extra bumper sticker from the car and handed it to her.  Amazingly, the sticker was from her mothe'r store! It had gone from her mom's hands to theirs, across 3,000 miles, to her hands.
Mere concidence?  Or were theses experiences good gifts orchestrated by a good God who loves to encourage His children?  Proverbs tells us, "A man's steps are directed by the LORD" (20:24 NIV).  In response, let's "bless His name.  For the LORD is good" (Psalm 100:4-5). - Anne Cetas
Bestowed with benefits daily,
Sent from the Father above;
Mercies and blessings abounding,
Gifts of His marvelous love. -Anon.
Every good gift comes from the Father.
Psalm 100 may be considered one of the "Enthronement Psalms,"  psalms that acknowledge and celebrate God's sovereign rule over all of creation.  Others include Psalms 47, 93, and 96-99.  This psalm is an invitation to all people to worship the Lord.  Jews and Gentiles alike are to "enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise" (v.4).  Alexander Maclaren, in his commentary on this passage, says this is "a song which starts from national blessing, and discerns in them a message of hope and joy for all men.  Israel was meant to be a sacred hearth on which a fire was kindled, that was to warm all the house.  God revealed Himself in Israel, but to the world."
Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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