Sunday, January 22, 2012


Belonging To God

Sometimes we don’t want to admit it but we
belong to God.  For God has made the heaven
and the earth and everything that is in the earth,
(Psalm 24:1).

Sometimes we want to be free and independent.
to do that we don’t want anybody having authority
over us.  But let’s not forget, in order to step out of
sin’s slavery and into salvations’ freedom, we have
to put our faith and trust in God.  We need to belong
to Him.

God would never ask us to do something that will harm
us.  But there are others that might do that.  They are
the ones we should not trust.

When we put our faith and trust in God, we will acknowledge
His authority in our life.  We will acknowledge God as the boss
in our life.  We will recognize that God truly owns us and we
will then be willing to work with Him to do His will.  We are His.

God is in charge.  Our responsibility is to trust Him and live our
life for Him.  We belong to God because He created us to serve Him.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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