Thursday, January 12, 2012


Fear Not

When circumstances we go through are sometimes
frightening or troublesome, we have to remember
that God is in control and we have nothing to fear
because He will not fail us.  We don’t have to be
afraid.  “God is my salvation, I will trust and not be
afraid,”(Isaiah 12:2).

Sometimes the power of sin grows strong within us.
Sometimes it seems that it is too strong for us to bear.
But we have to remember to look unto Jesus because
He is the one who broke sin’s power and with faith
and trust in Him we don’t have to despair.  If we want
to overcome our sinful nature we have to starve it and
feed our new nature.

When there is illness, sadness, disappointment, etc.
in our life, God will light our path only if we trust Jesus
to be our Savior.  Jesus’ light will comfort us through a
time of sorrow.  Jesus gives us hope for tomorrow. 

Remember, God will send His light when we are engulfed
in darkness.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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