Sunday, January 15, 2012


Yes, Missions Matters

Missions matters because if Jesus is raised from the
dead, Christianity is true and every other religion is
false.  Jesus said He was going to be crucified and on
the third day rise again.  He did exactly that.

Missions matter because people have a problem.  If
Christ is raised from the dead then we have a problem.
We have a deep seeded problem.  All in Adam have
sinned but through Christ we are forgiven.

Mission matters because salvation is a grace based
deal.  It is what Christ has done for us not what we
have done for Christ.  We want grace but we don’t
want to extend it.  Missions is a grace deal.

Missions matters because forgiveness is only secure
in Jesus.  Christ’s resurrection is our receipt.  If
Satan every puts doubt in your mind, show him your
receipt of Christ’s resurrection.

Missions matters because the future has landed. 
Jesus is the first fruits.  He is the promise that a lot
more is coming.  Christ’s resurrection was the
beginning of the end of Satan’s reign.  The future
has landed and the future is based on the past.
Jesus bares the sign of victory today.

Yes, Missions matters in today’s society.  Tell others
of Christ.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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