Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Receiving Compliments

When somebody gives me a compliment, it makes
me feel good.  I share this feeling by giving others
compliments when they deserve them.

You should not feel guilty or proud to the point of
becoming stuck up but grateful that somebody
thought nice of what you either did or said to
compliment you.

When you feel good about receiving from a person
a compliment it helps others to be able to exercise
their gift of encouragement.

When you are encouraged by another person, your
spirits are lifted up.  You feel on top of the world.
You have positive thoughts.  It helps you to increase
your faith.  It makes you a better person and a stronger

You should not feel guilty when somebody gives you a
compliment.  You are to praise a person loudly at the
top of your voice but blame them softly. 

The best compliment you can receive is from God.
This is when He tells you, well done.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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