Friday, January 20, 2012


Carrying The Cross

As I Sit And Listen At Calvary Baptist Church

Jesus’ name is the most powerful name in the universe.

To carry His Cross means we have to become an instrument
of reconciliation and reconciliation is costly.  We need to be
used by God to reconcile our home and family.

To carry the Cross we have to be willing to forgive.  The Cross
is a place of love.  Christ hate sin but He loves the sinner. 
Do God love racists? YES.  But He hates racism. 

To carry the Cross we have to love beyond our comfort zone.
We have to forgive all people.  Christ offers forgiveness to all
but we have to accept forgiveness to be forgiven. 

While we were sinners Christ died for us.  God hates sin but
He loves us.  God loves His enemies but we are reconciled
through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ.

To carry the Cross is to live beyond our prejudice.  As we carry
the Cross we have to be willing to suffer. 

God will use us to set people free through our living testimony.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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