Sunday, January 22, 2012


Displeasing God

When we complain to God, He is not happy with us.
We displease Him and we anger Him.

The children of Israel complained to God a lot and God
was not happy with them, (Numbers 11:1).  He was
also angry with them.  God turned His back on them. 

In our lifetime, we sometimes complain to God about
all the negative things that have happened in our life.
We forget about all the positive things which are far
more greater than the negative things.

We should be praising God for all things in our life whether
big or small because sometimes a little example such as
praising God, can have a big influence in Christ’s presence
in our life.

Let’s not be like some people who go through life as though
they are standing at a complaint counter.  Whenever you
feel the need to complain, just think about other people who
have less than you.

Ask God to keep you humble and grateful for all of your
happiness.  Don’t be displeasing to God.  Give Him praise at
all times.

Put your faith and trust in Him.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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