Wednesday, January 11, 2012



If you go to a house that have not been lived in
for a long period of time cobwebs forms.  They
form because there is no activity in the house
and the spiders are not afraid to make a web
because they know they won’t be destroyed.

If the church and the individuals in the church
do not get involved in spreading the good new
of the Bible throughout the world, they are on
their way to ruin and destruction.  If we have
a lack of concern to spread the gospel around
the world, we will develop cobwebs in our life
and in our church.  Think of this verse, “How
shall they believe in Him of whom they have not
heard”, (Romans 10:14).

We as a church have to pray to God to give us
the strength to reach others in different parts
of the world.  They have to hear the word of
God to believe it.  Remember, “So then faith
comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of
God”, (Romans 10:17).

Give so others can spread the word of God
all over the world.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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