Monday, January 16, 2012


The Earth In Labor

When the earth is in labor it lets out a moan.
If the pain is very intense, it lets out a loud scream.

When a woman is in the early stage of labor, she
also lets out a moan but when her pains are intense
she lets out a scream.

She opens up and lets life come out of her.  The end
result of her pains, moans and screams is a beautiful
child that God blessed her to bring into the world.

When the earth lets out its moans and screams, there
is destruction.  When the earth opens up and shake, you
have landslides and they cause title waves.

When God made the world in six days, there was nothing
but peace on earth.  Once Adam and Eve disobeyed God,
the earth was no longer peaceful and quiet.  Sin was now
present.  Where sin is destruction is. 

Keep in mind, when natural disaster continues to appear
on earth you have to put your faith and trust in God because
He is in control and He is always near.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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