Saturday, January 14, 2012


The Life Of A Terrorist

The Spiritual Litmus Test Part II – How Do You Fight Terrorism?

The seed of terrorism is planted in a terrorist’s upbringing
and theological trend.  It starts when they are very young.
It is a form of brainwashing.

The terrorist feels that the best way they can serve their
cause is by hating their enemy.  Their conviction to destroy
their enemy becomes their obsession and life’s purpose.
Their whole life becomes a celebration of the culture of
death.  To them the victory is won when their enemy dies.

Paul was a terrorist.  Paul’s upbringing influenced him to
terrorism.  Paul felt that he could serve God best by killing
His enemy.  Paul felt that he could serve God best by hating
God’s people.  Paul found out that the love of God was the
greatest battle to end terrorism. 

The option for a terrorist’s life/heart is a change of life and
only God’s love and truth can change that life/heart.  Paul
was a man of hate and he changed to a man of love.  Paul’s
hope was in the grace of God that changed him, (I Timothy

Ask yourself this question today, Is God’s love setting you
free so you can love other people?  The only option for
terrorism is the spiritual option, God’s intervention in the
terrorist’s life.

Copyright  2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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