Sunday, January 15, 2012


A Politically Incorrect Message

Why has God never received the Nobel Peace Prize?

The Bible record of reconciliation is politically
incorrect.  The only hope we have is to be reconciled
with God and we can find that hope in Jesus Christ.

Christmas is about reconciliation.  To some people,
Christ is an offense.  Saying the right thing to the
world is saying the wrong thing.

We don’t plead for God by forcing God’s message
down somebody’s throat.  Do you ever wonder why
God should get the Nobel Peace Prize?

God should get the Nobel Peace Prize because He
gave His Son for peace in the world.  God also
gave us the power to make peace in the world.

When the world declared war on God, God declared
peace on the world.  How does God bring about peace
to us?

Because of faith God has justified us and we have peace
with God through Jesus, (Romans 5:1).  Because we
have peace with God, the war is over and we now have

When we were powerless to make sense of our life, Christ
died for us, (Romans 5:6).  Even though in sin we are God’s
enemy, God still loved us, (Romans 5:10).

God will give us peace if we are reconciled to Him.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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