Thursday, January 19, 2012



Faith in God’s truth is vital.  Faith comes from
hearing the message and the message comes
from Christ through His Word.

The Word will help you mature and grow.  We
have to let the Word of God work in us.  The
truth of God is everywhere but a lot of people
don’t want to hear it.  We don’t want our faith
to be small.  We have to keep our hope and trust
in the Lord at all times.

God swears righteously.  He swears by Himself.
We have to wait for God’s promise for our faith
to grow.  This will cause our hope to grow.

God promises His oath.  The bases of our encourage-
ment and hope is God.  He is the anchor of our soul.

We enter into the Holy of Holy’s because Christ gave
His blood for us.  We were so lost before God gave
us Hope.  We were dead and walking, following the
ways of the world, giving ourselves 100% to the world,
(Ephesians 12:1).

By nature, we are the children of God’s wrath.  But God
has saved us through His grace, (Ephesians 2:4-5).

When you are in despair, always remember your hope
is in the Lord.  Hope is not in religion.  Hope is in God.

A testament of hope is the victory in God.

Verified Information January 2007

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