Thursday, January 19, 2012


Time To Meditate On God

As I sit on the couch, I meditate and think of what
I want to write about.  My mind is full of so many
things that it is hard to focus on one topic/subject
and write about that.

My mind then wonders off about the things in my
apartment.  My paintings come to my mind, especially
the line paintings lining the halls. 

I sometimes feel like I am walking in an art museum
viewing all the paintings mounted on the walls.  Looking
at them is a beautiful site to see.

Then my mind drifts off to the amount of things in my
apartment where my eight children used to live.  Only
two are still home now. 

Sometimes I feel so closed in.  Sometimes I just want
to scream.  This is the time for me to meditate on God
and think about His goodness and how A He has truly
blessed me thus far. 

After meditating I give God praise and my world is beautiful
again.  It is not longer cluttered/crowded.

Now I have a lot of space because God has cleared the way.

Thank you God for everything.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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