Friday, January 13, 2012


Crime And Punishment

We live in a universe judged by God’s justice system.
God does not want us to turn away from Him but to
run toward Him. 

When we sin and hurt God we commit a crime toward
God.  When we sin against God we try to cover it up,
(II Samuel 11).  We need to come clean.  No matter how
cleaver we think we cover up, God ill convict us.  There is
nowhere to run.  Nowhere to hide.  So when God comes
to you, don’t harden your heart, (Hebrews 3:7-8).

A late confession is better than no confession at all.
The confession has to be genuine.  God does not
want you to confess unless you truly mean it by your
actions.  When your confession is genuine, God will
forgive you.  For our sin is not greater than God’s
grace.  Even with a genuine confession every crime
has consequences. 

We want God to be in control of our judgment.  Be
reconciled to God.  We cannot stand before God in
our own righteousness.  Read Psalm 51 for guidance
in Repentance, Renewal and Restoration.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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