Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Building A Kingdom Spirit

I Corinthians 6:9-20

To live a surrendered life, I need to appreciate my
identity in Christ.  I need to understand my identity
in Christ.

I am a member in the Body of Christ.  I am a dwelling
place for the Holy Spirit.  God’s Spirit is in me. We are
the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  As Christians we belong
to Jesus Christ. 

We are sexual beings and we are going to have sexual
desires.  Are we going to respond in our way or God’s

God has empowered us to honor Him sexually in His
power.  In Christ’s humanity, He was wired sexually but
He was without sin. 

You can’t have a Kingdom Spirit if your life is enslaved in
sexual immorality.  God hates sexual sin.  It violates His
Holy and moral law.

God loves the sinner but hates the sin.  God wants our
body, spirit and soul to praise Him.  The body is not meant
for immorality.

When you unite with the Lord, you are one spirit with the
Lord.  God can make us the way we should be.  Sexual sin
is not an unforgiving sin.

Repent for forgiveness.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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