Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Do What You Intend To Do

Sometimes we see someone give another person
something and wish we took that action first. 
We later approach that person and state, I was
going to give you that special something first but
I never got around to doing it.  The receiver is not

This same principle applies to people in the society
we live in today.  They make the statement that
they want to get closer to the Lord to have a deeper
and meaningful relationship with Him.  Do they take
time to read the Bible, fast from time to time or pray?
NO.  They do not have the time to devote it to God.

You have some people state that they want Christ in
their life but not yet.  They are still enjoying the fruits
and sins of this world.

You can have all the good intentions you want but if
you don’t put them in action it’s no good.

“To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to
him it is sin”, (James 4:17).

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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